Customer Testimonials

"Our family loves that we get fish delivered each week. It's always high quality and fresh. We are excited to try the recipes on the new website".

Pam Glover

"We have been getting fresh fish from sea2door for some time now and love it. The fish is superbly fresh and delivered on our regular day without fail. There are also different types delivered so we have good variety in our diet. A great advantage is that it makes sure we eat fish weekly and doctors tell us this is a good thing.

There have been many occurrences where we have had to change orders around or cancel for particular reasons and this is never an issue. We have recommended to friends and would not hesitate to do so again."

Steve & Robyn Richens

"I have used you for at least 7 years, I highly recommend your service, I have had no problem paying and it is very reliable for deliveries and letting me know what is available or on special. The product is fantastic fresh and we love it and have recommended it to a lot of people over the years. Fantastic to see your company growing and prospering."

Annette and Alan Third